Cop & Co, Lawyers

PO Box 48
Capalaba Qld 4157
17 Oceanic Street
Wellington Point Qld 4160


Are you buying a home or land?
Need a solicitor to help out? Someone LOCAL?
What’s it going to cost?

My fixed fee is $ 999

In addition to this, you will have to pay the search costs and GST.
They will be the same regardless of who you go to.

As every property is different and bank’s and buyer’s requirements change,
I cannot give you an exact amount the searches and GST will cost.

However, my basic search package satisfies most bank’s requirements
which means that you pay the absolute minimum in search costs.

Please tell us about the property you are buying to get a better idea of the costs.
How easy is that!
Call now if you need any more information!